membership terms

  1. Via the platform
    This website is operated by Stephan Antonoglou, Dieselstraße 20, 86368 Gersthofen.
    The operator makes an online service available to the users (members) through which the user as an advertiser can create and publish offers and requests from texts, images, and as an interested party can view published advertisements/offers/requests.
    This website serves to publish offers and requests for agricultural harvest products. Above all, products that cannot be sold on the regular market, overproduction or perishable goods for which there are no buyers yet or the buyer has withdrawn from the purchase.
    A purchase does not take place on this website. This website is only used to arrange contact between the provider and the interested party. The operator of the website itself is not the supplier of the goods.
    The general terms and conditions and agreements of the provider/prospect/seller/buyer do not apply here. If an offer or a request is accepted, the respective contractual partners can agree on detailed conditions. However, this does not happen on the website itself. The contract must be concluded outside of the website. In any case, the operator is not a dealer, commercial agent or other contractual partner in the sale of the goods and has nothing to do with this.
  2. Costs and term of membership
    The operator of receives neither commission nor other monetary and non-monetary remuneration for the conclusion of contracts.
    Membership fees are used solely to maintain the website. It does not matter whether a buyer or a seller is found for offered or searched goods.
    A producer pays an amount of EUR 8.00 per month plus 19% VAT and a wholesaler/dealer/restaurateur has an amount of 16 euros per month plus 19% VAT payable.
    The minimum contract term is 1 year. The annual fee is to be paid after 30 days at the latest, provided that the member does not withdraw from membership within this period.
  3. Termination
    Membership can be revoked within the first 30 days of membership application. Termination is possible with a notice period of 4 weeks to the end of the contract. The contract or the membership is automatically extended by one year if the notice of termination is not given in writing and in due time.
  4. Publication of the contact details of the advertisers
    The members agree that logged-in members may view their stored contact details and description for the purpose of information and contact. Users who are not registered or who are not logged in only see images as well as a description and location of the offers and requests. A publication of the contact details of the advertiser for non-members does not take place.
  5. Use of the content, such as texts and images of the offers and requests of the membersbold,r
    The member transfers a perpetual, unrestricted right of use to that applies to all types of media for the content provided, such as text, images, Graphics, audio and video indefinitely until revoked.
    The member ensures that he has the rights mentioned above. He obtains any consent. The member is not entitled to have texts, images, audio and video saved for him after the end of the membership. The member is not entitled to have texts, images, audio and video saved for him after the end of the membership.
  6. Release from liability
    (1) The member warrants that he is authorized to transfer the agreed rights of use because the work or works are either
    a) created it himself or
    b) has effectively acquired the rights necessary for the transfer himself.
    (2) The member supports in defending against claims asserted by third parties against due to infringements of intellectual property (copyright, trademark rights, right to one’s own image, design patent, etc.) to the contractual content , in particular by providing the information required for defense.
    (3) The member is obliged to reimburse all expenses necessary for legal action – in particular the necessary legal and court costs – which incurs as a result of legal claims by third parties.
  7. Correctness of the advertisements (offers and requests) assumes no liability for the information and content published by the member in the advertisements (advertisements and requests).
  8. access to the data may also grant third parties access to the data, information and content published on to support the online services. The member allows to use their data for the purpose of advertising and increasing the reach of This also applies to translations for the purpose of integrating the translated advertisements into foreign-language offers.
  9. Member’s Obligations
    The member undertakes to provide correct information about real offers/requests and not to violate the rights of third parties. is not obliged to check entries and content to determine whether they infringe the rights of third parties or whether they comply with the provisions of competition law.
    Obligations are in particular
    (1) to meet internal necessary technical requirements and to comply with security standards in order to prevent the use of the member login by unauthorized persons.
    (2) not to use the online services for racist, discriminatory, endangering the protection of minors, politically extreme or otherwise illegal purposes or purposes that violate official regulations or requirements
    (3) not to misuse the exchange of electronic messages that is possible within the framework of the contractual relationship and/or use for the unsolicited sending of messages and information to third parties for advertising purposes.
    If third parties assert claims against due to the legal inadmissibility of the entry, the member shall release the operator from all claims asserted against him at first request, including all costs of necessary legal defense. The member undertakes to be available for any queries during the entire membership.
  10. Availability of Online Services owes the agreed availability of the online services at the transfer point. The parties understand availability to mean technical usability at the transfer point for use by the member and the members using the access software. Unless otherwise agreed or resulting from the service description, we guarantee an availability of 99% per year.
    If some functions fail, the manner of remedying the defect is at the reasonable discretion of A defect can also be remedied in the form of instructions. The exhibitor must follow such instructions unless this is unreasonable.
  11. Technical requirements / design of the digital stands
    The member must ensure at his own expense that he meets the technical requirements for his participation in the online services. In particular, he ensures that he meets all the requirements to create his advertisements without any technical errors.
    The member receives access data to use the digital platform.
    Access software is required to use the functionalities of the online service. This is the current version of the most common internet browsers. This access software is not provided by The member procures these independently at his own risk.
    The transfer point for the online services is the router exit of the data center or the service provider commissioned by it.
    The advertisements must be clearly visible at all times with the company name, contact person and address of the advertiser.
    The member must follow the guidelines issued by in the interest of a functional digital publication of the advertisements. reserves the right to make changes and additions that affect the technical platform and data protection. This applies in particular if this ensures the technical stability of the functions of the online services and if legal requirements are met.
    If the member does not comply with these conditions immediately after a corresponding request, the member account can be permanently closed or temporarily deactivated.
    If the member account has to be closed for the aforementioned reasons, there is no entitlement to a refund of the membership fee.
  12. Data security and data protection
    The parties will observe the applicable data protection regulations, in particular those valid in the European Union, and oblige their employees employed in connection with the contract and its implementation to do so, unless they are already generally obligated to do so.

    If the member collects, processes or uses personal data, he is responsible for complying with the applicable, in particular data protection regulations and releases from third-party claims in the event of a violation. Insofar as the data to be processed is personal data, there is order data processing and the member will observe the legal requirements for order processing and instructions from (e.g. to comply with deletion and blocking obligations). The instructions must be communicated in good time, at least in text form.
    The member takes the technical and organizational security precautions and measures in accordance with the statutory provisions. In particular, it protects the services and systems that it can access, as well as the application data and any other data stored on the server by or the users, against unauthorized access, storage, modification or other unauthorized access or attacks – be it it through technical measures, through viruses or other harmful programs or data or through physical access – by third parties, no matter how this occurs. For this purpose, it takes the appropriate and customary measures that are required according to the state of the art. will only collect and use data to the extent required for the execution of this contract. wird Daten nur in dem Umfang erheben und nutzen, wie es die Durchführung dieses Vertrages erfordert. It must not be possible to draw conclusions about individual persons from this.
    The processing of personal data is also regulated separately in an order processing agreement.

  13. Applicable Law, Final Provisions, Place of Jurisdiction
    This contract and all obligations arising from it are subject to the law of the Federal Republic of Germany to the exclusion of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG).
    Appendices are part of this contract in their currently valid version, i.e. the version signed by both parties.
    There are no ancillary provisions outside of this contract and its appendices. Changes or additions to this contract and the appendices require at least text form to be effective. This also applies to any waiver of the written form requirement.
    The possible invalidity of individual provisions of this contract does not affect the validity of the remaining content of the contract.
    If there are gaps in the practical application of this contract that the contracting parties have not provided for, or if the ineffectiveness of a regulation is legally established or if both parties agree, they undertake to remedy this gap or ineffective regulation in a factual manner, based on the economic purpose of the contract to be completed or replaced in an appropriate manner.
    If the customer is a merchant within the meaning of the German Commercial Code (HGB), a legal entity under public law or a special fund under public law, the organizer’s registered office is agreed as the place of jurisdiction. The same also applies if the customer does not have a general place of jurisdiction in Germany. However, the organizer is also entitled to sue at the customer’s registered office.

    Status 01/2022